What's New and Coming in 2017

We're happy to announce that we've discovered even more varieties of coffee that simply can't be any better for you.
In May of this year, we will introduce more of the same high-quality, only wild-growing and organic coffee varieties from around the world.
Our unique commitment to customers is that Kyrios Coffee will always be:
- Wild-growing - not planted or farmed, but naturally regenerating in protected rain forests and natural biosphere habitats
- Completely free from pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and preservatives
- 100% organic Arabica coffees
- Top quality coffees - Grade 1, Specialty-select (little to no defects, no mold, triple sorted)
KAFFA Rainforest,
Our original coffee and a huge customer favorite. This is 100% wild-growing, organic Arabica from the birthplace of coffee. A Kyrios exclusive! |
Morobe Rainforest,
Amazonian Basin,
El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve,
This summer, we will also introduce 100% organic, wild-grown spices and naturally-growing cocoa from different parts of the world. We've found some of the best sources of spices that are chock full of natural antioxidants and goodness, and completely free of pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and preservatives.
We can't wait to bring these new offerings to you, so please stay tuned for more information in the coming months.
Thank you for your loyal business. It's incredible to hear stories about your coffee transformation and how people are really taking notice of what they put in their bodies.
Visit our online store for more information about current offerings, including coffee, coffee soap, and gift boxes.
Visit now >>
All the best to you!
Mike, Kyrios Coffee
What you're paying to drink your Starbucks every day
$1.50 for a tall (12oz) cup of black coffee. (If you are ordering lattes and mocha's every day, read no further because major depression is ahead). That's $7.50 for a typical 5-day work week, assuming no visits on the weekend. I know of someone (who is now a customer of ours) who spent $3.79 on a large mocha, 5 days each week. That's $18.95/week, roughly $76.00/month, approximately $910.00/year on a drink that really isn't even good for you. What could you do with $910.00 extra each year?
Cost per ounce: .13 cents
- You don't have to make it yourself.
- Inconvenience of going somewhere to get your coffee.
- No idea when the coffee was roasted.
- 3x as expensive as making your own Kyrios Coffee at home (see below)
- Will never be an organic cup of coffee - could have come from Latin America, Indonesia, wherever they can find it cheaper.
Kyrios Coffee
You are able to get 24 fresh-brewed 12oz cups from one package of Kyrios coffee. That translates to .50 for each 12oz cup of coffee.
Cost per ounce: .04 cents
- You can have confidence that your coffee is fresh-roasted, many times packaged up and mailed to you still warm!
- You are assured of the highest quality coffee--100% organic, wild coffee from the KAFFA rain forest in Ethiopia. Btw...Ethiopia bans all forms of pesticides, insecticides, and even use of fertilizers in the rain forest.
- You have to make it yourself...but come on, who doesn't like making and smelling fresh-brewed coffee around the house : )
Enjoy and blessings to each of you!
Worried about the acidic nature of coffee?
No one likes a coffee that eats away at your stomach lining! OK, I don't think a coffee that acidic exists, but acid in coffee is a factor for some people, and it causes some to steer clear of coffee altogether (which of course, prevents those people from consuming something so naturally high in antioxidants).
Let's first talk about these acids and their qualities...
About 30 types of acids have been identified in coffee beans. Many of them are familiar because they’re commonly found in other foods, such as citric acid in oranges, malic acid in apples and acetic acid, which is found in vinegar.
The most abundant acids in coffee belong to one large group known as chlorogenic acids. These acids are antioxidants that may help lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes, according to a review in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in August 2013. Chlorogenic acids are also one of the ingredients in green coffee beans that may support weight loss.
If you're one of those--for good reason--who says "I don't care about the good qualities--I have to listen to my stomach," here are 5 things you can do to reduce the acid in your coffee and still realize the good health benefits:
1. Take in more calcium
Calcium is used as an ingredient in antacids because it neutralizes stomach acid. You can get a similar effect in coffee by adding milk or cream. Low-fat milk is the healthiest choice because 1 tablespoon has barely a trace of fat, yet provides a little more calcium than heavy cream or half-and-half.
You can also find a variety of calcium-based products that help neutralize acidity. They're often sold under names related to pH balance, alkaline boosters and acid relief. Some products are flavorless powders designed to be stirred into coffee, while others are tablets that go to work in the stomach after they’re swallowed.
2. Try cold-brewing your coffee
A tried and true way to reduce the acidity in your coffee is to use a cold-brew process. You may hear it called cold-drip coffee, Kyoto style, or Toddy style. This type of coffee is made by allowing ground beans to steep in cold water for at least 24 hours.
Compared to using hot water, cold water extracts less of the coffee’s natural acids. As a result, your coffee is about 70 percent less acidic than a typical cup of hot-brewed coffee, according to information from manufacturers.
3. Tame your roast and grind size
Dark roasted coffee beans retain less acid than lighter roasts. The extra roasting time also develops a compound that blocks acid production in the stomach, reports the American Chemical Society.
The size of the grind is usually determined according to the type of coffee maker and how quickly water flows through the coffee. If you have a choice, go with coarsely ground coffee, which has less acid than a fine grind.
Tips on coffee grinding
If you're reading this after your first purchase, you know that we at Kyrios Coffee don't like to grind coffee before sending it to you. Why? Well, it's kinda technical yet it's not technical at all.
The scientific explanation is oxidation, a natural process that begins as soon as you open up each bag of roasted beans and expose it to the air. Ground coffee offers much more surface area than beans alone, so by grinding ahead of time you are accelerating the oxidation of the entire bean.
We know it's tempting and more convenient when you are in a hurry to grind the beans ahead of time and scoop what you need right before brewing. But as the days go by the flavor in the cup will begin to fade.
To maximize flavor in the cup refrain from grinding until the last possible moment. Some coffee makers have built-in grinders so that, as soon as the bean is ground, the brewing begins. Sweet! If you have a stand-alone grinder we suggest having it positioned near your coffee maker. Prepare everything else ahead of time and then, at the last moment, grind your beans and start brewing.
Another tip: Don't store beans in the refrigerator--store them in the original bag, sealed as tight as you can get it with the tin tie, at room temperature. Your coffee's enemies are air, moisture, heat, and light. As people open the refrigerator, moisture develops in your coffee and light invades it. Also, coffee absorbs odors in your refrigerator. Trust me--you don't want your coffee tasting like that leftover casserole!
Here are other practical tips for home grinding:
- If you can justify the expense, burr grinders (ones that actually crush the beans) are superior to blade grinders (ones that simply shred or chop the beans).
- Keep the grinder clean.
- Grind just prior to brewing.
- To achieve a more consistent grind gently shake the apparatus while grinding.
- Use the correct size for your equipment. Burr grinders allow you to pre-select the proper grind. With blade grinders timing is critical:
- Coarse Grind for electric percolators grind for 5-10 seconds
- Medium Grind for electric drip or French press 10-15 seconds
- Fine Grind for espresso machines grind approximately 30 seconds
The next in this series of blogs will focus on grinding beans for different brewing methods. Go here for this post.
Of course, in matters of taste there is no one recipe for success. Experiment with your equipment, timing, and ingredients to achieve results that satisfy you.
All the best,
Your roastmaster, Mike
First post
Today only 2,000 sq. km of wild coffee growing rain forest remains in Ethiopia, and only 5% of all Ethiopian coffee can be considered wild. Because coffee plantations produce a much higher coffee yield than a natural coffee forest, local populations have a strong incentive to clear their natural forests and create coffee plantations. Much of Ethiopia’s rain forests have been cleared to grow cash crops, and wild coffee was projected to become extinct by the year 2020 once the rain forest disappears forever.
In the last decade however, organizations from around the world have partnered with the Ethiopian Government and the local people of Ethiopia to avert this ecological disaster. Programs have been put in place to ensure that wild coffee is not being over-harvested, and that the coffee rain forests are not being abused in any way. Environmental experts agree that the key to halting deforestation is to add economic value to the natural coffee forest. This can be accomplished by bringing to the international public the rain forest’s most delicious product – 100% natural, 100% organic Ethiopian Wild Coffee. Together, we can support rain forest conservation, natural food produce, small village farming, and the preservation of the purest coffee in the world by filling our cups with Ethiopian Wild Coffee.
How is Kyrios Coffee different?
Conventional coffee (of which is served 99% of the time at the big coffee makers) is among the most heavily chemically treated foods in the world. It is steeped in synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides – a real mouthful with a bad taste. Not only does the environment suffer from this overload, but so do the people who live in it. Farmers are exposed to a high level of chemicals while spraying the crops and while handling them during harvest. The surrounding communities are also impacted through chemical residues in the air and water. These chemical presences are not just unpleasant; many are highly toxic and detrimental to human health.
In the case of organic coffee, there are no synthetic fertilizers or chemicals used in growing or production, which means cleaner beans, air, land, and water. Our wild coffee isn't even grown with fertilizers, coffee pulp, or compost because it's not needed.
As a bonus, organic coffee beans are richer in healthful antioxidants, and many people can even taste the difference. Your health, and the health of the planet, both get a boost.